Fast forward to this summer, CAST Software shared two beta builds of R43 with their beta-testing team, Beta1 in July and Beta2 in August, and together with an experienced QA team, the experienced Beta testers helped CAST validate the entire software in the new 64-bit architecture. The results were positive, but this effort identified some issues related to the new architecture, and together the development team worked on resolving them. It took a bit longer than initially expected, but the finish line was finally reached, and the completely converted wysiwyg R43 software in 64-bit is now available for our users.
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With this architecture update, stability and performance increase can be noticed across all modes, CAD, DATA, DESIGN, PRES, LIVE, with more responsiveness and less delays when switching modes and tabs. This update removes the limitations that are associated with a 32-bit software, specifically the amount of memory available to the application. wysiwyg can now utilize more than 4GB of memory to open files. 2ff7e9595c